Tuesday, October 28, 2008

As A Roaring Lion - I Peter 5:8

1 Peter 5:8
(8) Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour
Recently, a dear friend and brother in Christ made a fleeting comment how a game that we play online together is creating some strife with his wife. Like me, he finds himself spending more time on this game than we both really should. While online, I read a chat comment he made to a colleague of ours, revealing how he had missed a significantly important family event due to our game, and how he is going to be in real trouble when he gets home.

The following is a letter that I wrote to him. It's deeply personal, so I edited out all the names to protect the innocent as well as the guilty.

Men, I leave this letter online for YOU as well. May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ protect you from the valley's He has asked me to tread.

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Hey there Brother,

I hope I am not speaking out of line here, but I noticed, the other day, your last comments to N________ regarding your wife possibly being upset about the amount of time you invest in Eve-Online.

PLEASE, I beg you, not only as a brother in Christ who cares about you and your family, but also as an individual that has gone through some pretty bad valleys. Be extremely careful on how Satan might use this to attack your family, and especially your wife.

S____ and I had been married since 1992. I had dedicated my life and my future into Christ's hands, and while in Bible college, I carefully and prayerfully sought a help-meet from God. I did everything I possibly could, in order to find God's will for my life. I placed myself under Godly authority. I sought counsel from her father, also a Godly man. I forcefully set aside anything that might get me off track from finding God's choice for my life. This is why, even to this day, I know without a shadow of a doubt that S____ H_______ is God's perfect will for my life.

The problems began when I took my eyes off of Christ. Though God had called me to be an educator, I was afraid that He would not provide for me, so I took another job that met our needs. Through the course of time, this "wedge" took my reliance off of Christ, turned my heart toward worldliness and eventually, I turned my back on everything I knew what was right. I did things my way and in my time. I had enough of fundamental Christianity and I decided to do my own "thing". I didn't realize how much I was hurting my wife. She was a strong Christian (I thought), and we both vowed never ever to think about divorce in our relationship. I didn't see how I was opening all the doors and windows for Satan to enter into my home and attack my family.

In January 17, 2005, I came home to an empty house. At the time, I was driving a truck around the country in order to pay the bills, and later on I found out that my wife was having an affair with the man I thought was my best friend. S____ left me, and for four months, I wasn't allowed to see my wife or children.

Since that time, I have had to go through some terrible valleys. Nights that were so dark, all I could hear were the jeering from Satan and his demonic forces. It had gotten so bad, that one night I tried to end it all and take my life. At 4AM, I sat in my truck, pumping CO into the cab listening to the radio. Though God does not speak to us in an audible voice, I clearly heard, what He had to say to me. He showed me that He not only is the One who gives life, He is also the One who takes it away. Though I sat in that truck, filled with CO, for almost an hour, He would not allow me to die.


And I don't want you, or anybody else to have to go through those valleys that I had gone through.

I know what you might be thinking. John, it isn't that bad. Yes, my wife was a bit upset the other night, but we talked and I apologized, and everything is fine now. DON'T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN. Satan is very deceptive, and he not only is working you over, he is also striking at those who you hold very dear to. Put yourself in my shoes M______. For one hour think of your wife telling you that she doesn't love you any more. Dwell on another man with his arms around your wife, and your children thinking that this is alright, because Mom says it is. Dwell on the idea of being home by yourself, with your heart breaking because you are only allowed to see your children every other weekend. Engrain it into your very soul, where people look at you and see a failure. Grasp the pain that you would feel when all the other couples in the church have their get-togethers and you are clearly not invited. And worst of all, God not allowing the nightmare to end.... yet.

Brother, my tears and prayers are being poured out for you and your family. If necessary, take a break from Eve. Work out an acceptable time, with your wife, for you to play Eve again. If necessary, leave the game all together! It's not worth the tragedy, and the darkness, and the wretchedness.

The valley is still dark. I feel God's nail-pierced hand, holding onto mine. I now have one of my children living with me, but the valley is still dark and cold. I honestly don't know what God is doing with my beloved, but I must continue to trust Him. Will He ever return my wife? I don't know. I can only keep clinging to the fact that His goodness and His wisdom are so great, that He will do the every best for me, of whom He sent His only begotten son to die on the cross for.

Yet, I will continue to wait.

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My friend, maybe God brought you to this little corner in order to get your attention. Maybe you are (knowingly or not) at the brink of the abyss that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had found me in. Don't be fooled, Satan is not stupid and he wants to hurt you and destroy everything that God holds dear to.

Be Sober.
Be Vigilant.

Friday, October 17, 2008

End of the Church Age?

Today, on TheologyOnline.com, someone was talking about Harold Camping, and asked if we could help him understand.

Originally Posted by aenoch View Post
This end of the church age information is difficult to find, so i was hoping that maybe someone here at TOL may have some insight into it, or be able to point to a URL or two about this grave matter.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
This is a beautiful example how Satan has setup a straw-man, and then proceeds to tear it apart in order to convince Christians not to follow God's Word.

1. Churches are setup and established that refuse to follow God's Word.
  • They have female pastors, support popular social trends, and mock God's true church in order to gain popularity with the masses of unregenerate.
  • They promote unScriptural dogmas such as infant baptism, Calvinism, Speaking in Tongues, Barking in the Spirit, etc.
  • They refuse to take a stand for Jesus Christ by separating themselves from ungodly influences (rock music, CCM, promiscuitous attire, entertainment that promotes worldliness over Godliness).
2. Once these churches grow and are filled with carnal believers (or worse yet, unregenerate who think they are saved), they believe that numbers profits, popularity, and emotions are signs of God's blessings. God's Word calls them poor, blind, and naked.

3. In the end, they collapse because a true New Testament Bible-believing church's strength is not in numbers, not in wealth, not in popularity, but in the Holy Spirit of God Almighty.

4. People look at the failure of these "churches" (*Note: I am using this term loosely) and conclude that God is no longer working in the church today.

If this were not so heinous a crime that Satan is doing against the lost, and carnal christian, I would laugh them to scorn!!!

Is God still using the real New Testament Church? Sure is!
Are they successful? As long as we remain under God's Word and obey Him.
(BTW - Success is not based on what man defines as success, but rather what God's Word defines as success [Joshuah 1:8-9]
Joshuah 1:8-9
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. 9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Is it wrong to start up home-based church? not really, as long as the motives are in the right direction. The church is where fellow-believers can come together, worship God together, and strengthen each other. If there are no Bible-believing churches near you, sometimes this is the best course of action. Yet, if you decide to start one because of bad reasons (refusal to submit to Godly authority, uncomfortable around believers, etc.), then God will not bless it.