Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Deuteronomy 24: 12-13, 19 - Oppressing the Poor

Throughout the Bible, God talks to us on how we should deal with the poor. God warns us that if we willfully oppress the poor (as well as the fatherless and the widow), He will not allow us to get away with it!

God has shown me great mercy in the past. He has always provided for my needs, and has kept me safe, even during the worst storms I have ever experienced. If I strike out against the poor and needy, wouldn't I be showing contempt to God for all the times He was merciful to me? God loves for us to show mercy, even when it is within our powers (and rights) to bring judgment and destruction.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Deuteronomy 20 - Rules of Engagement

When I was a young boy, I loved to play certain historic military board games put out by a company called Avalon Hill. These were special games with a lot of rules and thousands of pieces! The players set up the board and pieces, according to the scenario, and for hours we would recreate famous battles or change historic tactics to see if the outcome would change. When I played these as a youth, I learned a fundamental rule: the bigger your forces, the better chance you had at winning! This rule has been fundamental since the beginning of time. Though training and tactics are critical, size really did matter in ancient warfare.

In Deuteronomy 20, God takes this basic rule and throws it right out the window.

When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. - Deuteronomy 20:1

When Israel went to battle, God commanded them not to fear if the enemy was bigger, stronger, or faster. Unlike their opponents, they had an ally that was far greater: the LORD. As long as they had God on their side, the army of Israel didn't have to worry about the outcome. Granted, some would be wounded and even killed, but in the end God would give them the victory.

It's the same for the believer. There will be times when your battle will seem to be unbeatable. Your enemies will be bigger, stronger, faster, but if you are trusting Christ as your savior, you can rest in the fact that in the end, when the dust settles, you will be victorious in Christ.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28

Will there be casualties? Maybe.

Will you suffer hardships? Possibly.

The one fact that is clear: in the end, you will have victory in Christ, if you are trusting Him and following His commands.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Deuteronomy 17: 14-20 - Rex Lex or Lex Rex?

During the feudal period of Briton, an issue rose up among the people that threatened to tear the island nation apart. The king would set laws, but then would ignore them himself. The king placed himself above the law, which the latin term Rex Lex came to signify (lit. King is Law). Open rebellion ensued and a revolution began. In the end, King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta, thus placing himself under the law: Lex Rex (meaning Law is King).

Deuteronomy 17 is clear: when God appoints a king over His people, that individual must be in submission to God's laws. Matter of fact, the king is ordered to have his own copy of the law and to read them every day (vss18-20). This doesn't sound very special in today's day and age, only because we usually have several copies ourselves, but keep in mind: printing was not invented yet, and to own your own book was a big matter.

The king is not above the law, but instead the Law (God's Word) is above the king!

Deuteronomy 15: 1-11 - Caring for the Poor

I find it interesting how God commands us to care for the poor in our communities. The people of Israel was commanded not to ignore the poor in their neighborhoods. God promised to bless them if they follow His Word, and in the midst of their prosperity, the people were not to harden their hearts against the poor, even if it means taking a financial loss.

I think God is looking for heart attitude more than you being a good steward of your money.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Deuteronomy 13 - Destroying Apostasy

There are times when our enemy will rush in and attempt to batter down the gates of our defenses. We clearly see his plan of attack, and with the strength of God, we can easily ward off such assaults. There are other times when the enemy comes in quietly and with stealth. He will have one of your friends, or even a family member introduce him t you as a person to be trusted. This is the most insidious attack because we don't always know when these strikes will come, nor are we always prepared when the devil sneaks in the back way.

Be extremely careful child of the Living God! Examine every spirit that comes your way.

There was a story I once heard how people who work with money are trained how to identify counterfeit currency. It's not that they are shown all the different fraudulent bills, but instead they are continually working with the real bills. The tenders are so familiar with the "real thing" that when a fake comes along, it is easily and quickly detected. We need to be the same way. Our walk with God must be so constant that when a fake attempts to creep into our lives, they are quickly identified and arrested!

Friday, March 25, 2005

Deuteronomy 12: 2-3 - Destroying Satanic Strongholds

When the people of Israel were to enter the promised land, God commanded them to destroy the pagan areas of worship. They were not to study their idolatry. They were not to sympathize with them. They were not to show mercy! Israel was God's judgment on a people who would rather worship gods of stone and wood, than worship the true and living God. It was a lesson to Israel in order to teach them not to play around with the filth of idolatry.

The blood bought child of God is to have the same attitude toward satanic strongholds in their lives. When God's Holy Spirit reveals an area in our lives where there is a stronghold of worldliness, we are commanded to zealously attack and overthrow these altars, and break these pillars, and burn these graven images, destroying the area of worldliness completely.

Deuteronomy 11: 26 - To Choose a Blessing or a Cursing

Let me share with you a story of a Bible student I know. He went to Bible college fully committed to serve the LORD with all of his heart! He asked God for a God-fearing wife, and the Lord blessed him with a wonderful gal. While serving in a ministry, this guy allowed bitterness to grow in his heart. Over the course of time, this bitterness grew into a spirit of anger. In the end, it destroyed his walk with God, his testimony before man, and finally his very beloved family was in shambles! Though this student of God's Word started off well, he stopped following God's Word, and curses ensued in his life.

In Deuteronomy 11, there are three times where Israel is commanded to obey God's Word (vss. 1, 13, and 22). They are told that if they keep God's statutes, He will bless them and they will be prosperous. But, if Israel does not keep God's commandments and they start chasing after other gods, He will bring curses down on them.

It's the same for the believer. If we commit ourselves to diligently obey the Bible and seek after God with all our hearts, God will bring blessings into our lives. If, on the otherhand, we turn away from God and seek after worldly pleasures more than things from above, Satan wil establish strongholds in our lives and we will become miserable wretches!

What has become of this wretched Bible student? I praise God to be able to say that he has repented of his sin, and has returned to his Lord and savior Jesus Christ! Though he hasn't seen his beloved wife and children for almost four months, he is trusting God to protect them and have his wife return to Christ as well. If you want to pray for him, please do! His name is John Hall, and you can encourage him by writing ( and letting him know that you will pray for him and his beloved family!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Deuteronomy 10: 16 - Circumcision of the Heart

Circumcision was a willfull ceremony commanded by God to demonstrate a willfull decision of dedication of God. From the time of their circumcision, that male child was brought up and educated to make God first in his life. While Israel practiced the circumcision of the foreskin, true circumcision was of the heart!

Have you seen rebelliousness in your heart? Are you refusing to obey something you know what God wants you to do? Have you stiffened your neck against God's Holy Spirit? O lost soul, turn to God and ask Him to save you. Brother/ Sister in the LORD, cry out to God for mercy and forgiveness! Repent of your sins and circumcise your hearts before our Lord and Savior!

Deuteronomy 10: 12-13 - God's Expectations of You

I've had the opportunity to work under people who clearly explained to me what they expected of me. I've also worked for some who were completely nebulous and I had to grope on the dark to find out what they wanted. I've even worked under pne person who told me one thing and then expected another! In Deuteronomy 10: 12-13, the Bible clearly spells out what God expects of us:
1. To fear the LORD thy God,
2. To walk in all His ways,
3. To love Him,
4. To serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,
5. To keep the commandments of the LORD and His statutes

So, now you might be asking, what do you get in return? Well, once you ask Christ to forgive you of your sins, you automatically obtain everlasting life (John 5:24). Then if you obey God, then you will find wealth that the riches man could not buy!
Let's just look at the benefits of the fear of the LORD. When you truely fear/ respect God at the level He deserves, this allows you:
A. Knowledge beyond the standards of this world (Proverbs 1:7)
B. Wisdom greater than the wisdom of this world (Proverbs 9:10)
C. Prolonged days to your life (Proverbs 10:27)
D. Strong Confidence in the LORD (Proverbs 14:26)

For me to go into more detail would fill this Blog Server! The benefits infinitely and eternally outweigh anythig this world can offer. Friend, if you are trusting Christ as your savior, and yet not walking in His ways, then let me encourage you to go to your savior and give your life entirely to Him!

Reader, if you have not trusted Jesus to be your savior, please, don't do one more thing until you have gone to Him and ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to save you from an eternity in hell! God loves you! He would rather be your adoptive father, than to be your judge.

Deuteronomy 9: 26-29 - Interceding Before God

Several times throughout Moses' career/ ministry he has had to go before God and intercede in behalf of the people of Israel. They had done wickedly, and everything was pointing to the conclusion that God was going to destroy them for their murmurring, their rebelliousness, and their idolatry.

How often do we go before God and ask Him not to judge and punish our loved ones for their wickedness? Your heart breaks when you see your son or daughter openly rebel against God's Word! You stand and watch your beloved spouse refuse to obey God, even though they might know the right thing to do. Do you interced on their behalf? Do you cry out to God, asking your heavenly father to draw them back to His side?

Please, my brother and sister in Christ, don't stop interceding!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Deuteronomy 7:9-10 - God is Faithful!

We should always work to never forget that the LORD is faithful!

For some reason, the Holy Spirit keeps bringing me back to vs. 9:

Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;

Over the past couple of months I've gone through some of the worst trials in all of my life. Granted some of the tribulation I'm going through was brought on by my own foolishness, but it's has now gotten to the point where the persecution is poured out only because I refuse to bend with regards to my personal walk with Jesus Christ. Though the persecution is harsh, and I would never seek after it, I am finding sweet peace in the faithfulness of my Lord and Savior.

A person, who I have always counted to be my closest and most personal friend, has actively sought my destruction. I have diligently sought reconciliation, but they refuse to listen or even obey God's Word. Though I have done all that I can, it is not enough. I have now let go of my dear friend, and turn them over to God, because I know that HE IS FAITHFUL! Rather than deliver me from this seemingly endless storm, God is captaining my feable bark through the wind and waves. I can trust Him, because He is faithful!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Deuteronomy 6: 19 - Casting Out the Enemy

I came across a verse that I thought could not be done anymore due to our current political and social world,

"To cast out all thine enemies from before thee, as the LORD hath spoken."

I can't obey this, LORD! I cannot go and cast out all the pagans and sodomites. I don't have the political authority to throw out all the idolaters and witches. How can God give us a commandment and not allow me to do it? So, I went to Him with this verse and asked, "My LORD, what should I do with this command, and how should I obey it?" His response was immediate and sure,

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12

I realized (again) that we need to never forget that our battle is not a physical/ carnal battle, but a spiritual war! We are to cast out of our lives anyting that would allow Satan to have a stronghold in our lives:
+ Wrong television programs
+ Games that promote ungodliness
+ Books that encourage worldliness
+ Music that does not glorify God

We must cast out the enemy from our lives, but not forget that the enemy is Satan and his demnic network, and not those who do not know Jesus Christ as their savior.

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ's, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ's, even so are we Christ's. For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority, which the Lord hath given us for edification, and not for your destruction, I should not be ashamed:" - II Corinthians 10:3-8

LORD, give me opportunities to reach out and witness to the lost, yet keep me, Father, from the stains of worldliness!"

Deuteronomy 5: 27 - Drawing Close to God

"Go thou near..."

We are commanded to draw close to God. Not some stone image or a paintng are we to draw close to, but the Mighty and Terrible God of all creation! To the people of Israel, God looked like a great consumng fire on top of the mountain. Moes wrote that the LORD's voice was like the sound of mighty thunderings. No wonder the people were afraid! God is a Holy, Righteous, and All-Powerful God, but we are commanded to draw close to Him!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Deuteronomy 4: 1 - The Secret to Success


Recently, I've started working out of my home. Having the opportunity to care for my mother, I found it critical to spend as much time at home as God will possibly allow. The problem is, I am not experienced with the area of occupation that I think God has placed me in. So, I turned to God, and His Word, in order to find out how I might be SUCCESSFUL in my next occupation, and the following are the verses God gave me!

Deuteronomy 4:1 - Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them , that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you.

Joshua 1:8-9 - This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE - True and absolute success comes from obedience to the Word of God!

Friday, March 18, 2005

Numbers 32: 23 - Getting Away with Sin

...and be sure your sin will find you out.

No matter who you are, what position you hold in society; no matter how much you earn, or where you live, one fact is very sure: everyone of us is a sinner. The sad part is that many times we are deluded into thinking that we can and will get away with our sin. Yet, God's Word tells us this will never happen.

As a child of God, we have two great and powerful forces that will keep us from getting away with our sin:

Powerful Force #1: Satan
As a blood-bought Christian, we have acquired a very powerful and terrible enemy: Satan. He wants to strike back at our heavenly father, and the best way he can do that is by striking out at God's beloved children. Satan will not give up an opportunity like one where the believer voluntarily and willfully disobey's God. The devil will use it to his full advantage to hurt God's heart by destroying the believer.

Powerful Force #2: God
God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten son to die on the coss for our sins (John 3:16). He knows what sin we do because He paid for each one with the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our father also will not allow us to get away with our sin, because He loves us and desires to perfect us!

One time, a little child was shopping with his mother at the local grocery store. When they passed by the candy aisle, he spied out his favorite chocolate! Noticing that his mother's back was toward him, he quietly snuck the candy into the shopping cart, hiding it below another package. Imagining that he was going to get away with his plans, the little boy couldn't help but think how smart he was! That is, until they arrived at the checkout stand. Mother placed each item in front of the cashier, and low-and-behold, she came to the hidden candy! To make a long story short, the little boy got caught, and no, he didn't get away with his sin! When I trusted Jesus Christ as my savior, and asked Him to forgive my sin, He voluntarily took all my sins (past, present, and future), and paid for them on the cross of Calvary! You won't get away with your sin, because they were each paid for by Jesus!

In our foolishness, we think no one sees us sinning, but the truth is yes, we are seen and we will not get away with our sin.

...and be sure your sin will find you out.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Numbers 25 - Whoredom Brings Curses

Balaam knew that he could not curse Israel, but he so desperately wanted the money from Balak. So, he told the king how he could destroy Israel: by getting the men of the camp to commit whoredom with pagan girls. When this was done, God's blessings were stopped and the Lord's wrath was poured out on God's chosen people.

When worldliness crept into the camp, God's anger was turned against Israel. It was only abated by the zealous commitment of Phineas, the son of Eliazar, Aaron's grandson.

IMPORTANT SPIRITUAL TRUTH: Christian, have you dedicated your life totally and completely to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? If you have, you are now on the devil's top "hate list." He will do whatever he can to destroy you. Satan knows that he cannot curse you as long as God's hand of blessing is upon you, but that crafty old devil knows if he can get you a whoring after the world, God's hand will come off, and you will be dragged away like some dumb animal to the slaughter. Guard your heart, O child of God! Guard your heart, and be zealous for God!

Numbers 22: 22 - Obeying God

And God's anger was kindled because he went....

Balak was worried. The nomadic people of Israel were coming his way and he was afraid that they would do to him as they had done to the other nations who had resisted them. So he sent for Balaam, a man who had the reputation for being able to bless and to curse. But like so many unsaved, Balak didn't see that the true power came from God and not from Balaam.

Balak sent money and men to Balaam and asked for him to come and curse Israel. Balaam went to God, and God said do not go! So Balaam sent them packing. Balak, thinking like a typical lost person, sent even more important people with even more money. Balaam went back to God, and God said to go with them. Interesting thing is that when Balaam went, God's anger was kindled, because he went!

* IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE #1: If you know what God wants the first time, DO NOT go back and ask a second time! This is foolishness and God will treat you like a fool! Obey God the first time and DO NOT waiver.

Balaam was acting so foolishly that God used an ass to rebuke him. Balaam was so blind by the money that he did not see God's angel blocking his way. Even the dumb animal saw the fiery messenger, but Balaam was too foolishly blinded by worldliness. It was only when God opened the eyes of Balaam that the prophet saw the danger.

* IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE #2: Worldliness will spiritually blind you. You might be walking with the Lord, enjoying sweet fellowship with His blessed Holy Spirit, and then in a single moment, become blind by a lustful thought, or a worldly desire. Brother/ Sister run from such foolishness! Be constantly on guard against anything that will get in between you and your blessed master! Be zealous over your time and walk with God, because it is so easy to become blind to the things of heaven.

Numbers 21: 4 - Discouragment

Discouragment will try and get you to take your eyes off of God. If this is done, the natural result is rebellion, which leads to ven more trouble!

Numbers 20: 14 - 21: 3 - Succeeding in Life

While Israel was journeying through the wilderness, they were forced to pass through certain populated areas (Edom, Canaan, etc.). Moses tried to plead with Edom to let them pass, but they said, "No!" Israel even thought about forcing their way through, but Edom resisted, so Moses moved on. When they came to Canaan, it was the same thing. Israel fought with them and lost. This was when Moses cried out to God, and asked Him for success over their enemies. God gave it to them and Israel destroyed the Canaanite cities they fought against.

IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE: Success comes from God! Seek His will, and obey His Word and you will have good success (Joshua 1:8).

Even though Moses and Israel was obeying God's will, they still encountered resistance. They were even failing to break through this resistance until Moses went to God for help. We might be doing God's will but this does not means we will not encounter obstacles. We need to know what God wants us to do, go to Him in constant prayer, and obey His every direction.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Numbers 19: 2-3 - The Red Heifer

The Red Heifer was taken outside the camp and was slain. With hindsight we can see that this s a picture of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who was taken outside the city gates and was slain for our sins.

Numbers 17 - God Chooses His Leaders

Many were murmurring against Moses and Aaron because they wanted different leaders. They forgot that God Himself appointed these two men, and for murmurring against them, they were rebelling against God. So, the LORD told Moses Moses to collect a rod from each tribe, and the Levites would be represented by Aaron. The next day only Aaron's rod budded and bore fruit (almonds). This showed everyone (in a peaceful way) that Aaron was God's choice. God, in His mercy, chose this method so that people would not rebel and die.

When we murmur against our leaders, we rebel against God! In our country we can elect our leaders. If we don't like them, or if they do a bad job, we can attempt to vote them out, but while in office they are God's appointed leaders.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Numbers 16 - Rebellion Against God's Annointed

Korah raised up a group of Levites and Reubenites, trying to rebel against Moses and Aaron. He and the 250 who followed him were killed by God. These people forgot that God is the one in control, and not His appointed servants.

In our country, we have the wonderful opportunity to vote for our leaders. Yet, we should never forget that it is God who places the individual in the seat of authority. As a Christian, it is vital that I vote for the individual who will best lead our nation on a God-fearing path. But if the leadership that obtains the office is not to our liking, it is very important to realize that God's will has allowed that person to be there. Rebellion against authority is rebellion against God Himself.

Numbers 15: 30-36 - Sinning Presumptuously

When a son of Abraham sinned presumptuously (disobeying God's Word with the impression that they can "get away" with their sin), they were to be thrown out of the camp. This is the same today for the child of God. When we willfully sin against our Lord, we are "thrown out" of His presence, and we lose fellowship with Him.

My Unbelieving Friend, you might have the impression that this is a small matter, but to the true child of God, there is nothing worse! You see, since Jesus is the Prince of Peace, we have no peace apart from Him. Since Jesus is the Lord of Life, we have the odor of death about us. Since our blessed God is our Great Comforter, there is no rest apart from Him! Yes, we don't lose our salvation, but we do lose our sweet fellowship with our dear Lord.

My friend, have you found yourself walking in darkness? Are you seeking for peace, yet have none? Are you looking for comfort in this evil world and have found none? Turn to Jesus! Cry out to Him, and plead for mercy! He will not ignore your pleads.

Lord, hear the cries of the lost! Turn their hearts to You, and show them how You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. - Amen

Numbers 15: 22-29 - Sinning Ignorantly

During the Old Testament Period/ Mosaic Law, when a person sinned ignorantly, they still had to offer a sacrifice to atone for their sin. Today is the same. Though we might sin ignorantly, we still have to make it right, both before God and man.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Numbers 14 - Following God

There is a great curse for disobeying God at the moment He is about to bring you great blessings. It is critical for the child of God to trust Him and follow His hand, even if it looks like God is leading you into a sure destruction.

God was about to greatly bless Israel by bringing them into the promised land. If they had only remembered how God had provided for them in the past and how He protected them from their enemies, they could have gone forward and God would have given them the land. Instead, they looked at the obsticals and turned away from God's promises! When they did this, God cursed them and they died in the wilderness, never entering the promised land.

LORD, help me from turning my eyes from your promises and becoming fretful over the giants of the land! - Amen

Numbers 13 - Spying Out the Land

I think the people of Israel did not have the same motives for sending out the 12 spies as God had. In verse 2, God commands to send out men to search the land that He gives to Israel. In verse 18, Moses commands them to search out the land to see "whether they be strong or weak". This is the case of doing the right thing with the wrong motives! The result: a whole generation died before Israel entered into the Promised Land.

Numbers 12 - Speaking Against God's Anointed

Miriam and Aaron were angry against Moses because he married a woman of another race. This anger formed into bitterness and the bitterness brought out rebellion. Moses did not answer his sibling's rebellion, but instead kept silent. Instead, God Himself answered Miriam and Aaron directly.

When people rebel against you, even though you are doing God's will, it is best for us to keep silent. If there is any judgment to do, or any answer for us doing God's will, our LORD will answer in the best way, at the best time. We don't know every detail, but we can rest in the fact that God does. Don't answer those who would seek to hurt you; let God deal with them, and just keep working.

* I find it interesting that verse 1 has Miriam's name first, yet throughout the rest of the chapter Aaron's name comes first. I also find it interesting that God strikes out at Miriam and not at Aaron. I don't think God would hesitate to strike at Aaron just because of his position (look at what He did with Nadab and Abihu). I believe Miriam was leading this open rebellion, and Aaron was following along. Aaron demonstrated before that he was a follower when Israel demanded a golden idol to worship.

* Even though Miriam rebelled against Moses, he still pleaded before God for her life. We need to pray for our enemies too!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Numbers 11: 1-6 - Being Content

When Israel started complaining it displeased the LORD. God was providing for their needs, but this wasn't enough: they started crying for "wants".

We need to be content with what our LORD gives us. If we start focusing on things we don't have, we easily slip into carnality, worldliness, and sin.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Numbers 9 - Following God

The people of Israel were guided by God Himself by way of a pillar of smoke by day, and a pillar of fire by night. At first, I thought to myself how wonderful it would be to have such a physical manifestation to guide me! My sins, the flesh, and Satan all work against me to get me off track, and to have such a sight would be wonderful. The I thought how I have something better than a pillar of smoke or fire, I have God's own Holy Spirit to guide me, as well as the promise found in Romans 8:28,

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

No matter what happens, if I diligently seek after God, and continually strive to glorify Him, He will work matters out where we arrive in the Promised Land!

Numbers 8: 5-7 - Washing Before Worshipping

When the Levites went before God in the tabernacle, they were commanded to wash. This was a symbol of spiritual sanctification by performing a physical act of sanctification. As a child of God, I must continually sanctify myself because I walk continually before God.

Numbers 5: 11-31 - Dealing with a Jealous Heart

Jealousy is a terrible enemy and destroyer in a marriage. In Old Testament times, jealous husband would bring his wife before God and let Him judge his wife. Today, we need to do the same thing. We cannot judge our wives, but instead commit them over to our most-wise heavenly father and allow Him to handle the matter.

Numbers 3: 5-10 - Called to Serve God

When Moses asked, "Who is on the LORD's side?" it was the Levites who responded. Since they decided to take a stand for God, God later decided to call them to serve Him. This is the way it is today. If you want God to call you into service, first respond by starting the work and separating yourself from worldliness.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Leviticus 26: 40-46 - The Mercy of God

If you have felt the hand of God's judgment in your life, you know how heavy it can be to the sinner's heart! You have no joy in your life, you have no peace to your rest. All you have is a surety of coming judgment for the transgressions in your life!

O sinner, take heart; the judge that sits before your condemnation is also a merciful judge! No one needs to show you how much of a sinner you are. No one needs to convince you of your guilt. The evidence is clear. The witnesses have testified, and all knows how shamefully guilty you are. Throw yourself at the mercy seat of God! Cry out to Jesus and plead for Him to forgive you! Our blessed Lord and Savior promises to never cast away those who come to Him (John 6:37)!

God's mercy is sure, because though you are a sinner, and GOD HATES SIN, He also most dearly loves you! God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten son, to die for you and to pay for your sins (John 3:16).

Leviticus 26: 14-39 - Curses from God

Just as God promises blessings for obeying His statutes and commandments, there are guaranteed curses for disobeying His Word!

Many times, we believe we can "get away" with some little sin. We justify our actions, though we clearly know that it flies in the face of Scripture. Whether we admit it or not, we echo the fool's exclamation, "there is no God" (Psalm 14:1).

Never forget Galatians 6:7-8,
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.


Leviticus 26: 3-13 - Blessings from God

If you were guaranteed one million dollars, if you would just follow a few simple rules, would you do it? What if you were guaranteed two million dollars? Better yet, what if someone like Bill Gates came up to you and said, "I will give you full access to my bank account, if you would only follow my instructions." Would you do it? In Leviticus 26, we have something far better than a promise to Bill Gates' riches. We have the very promises of God to His vast wealth of blessings, if we would only obey His statutes, and keep His commandments!

What greater wealth would there be for us?

Leviticus 25: 35-38 - Mercy to the Poor

God commands us to show mercy to the poor, especially if they are our brother or sister in Christ.

Throughut Scripture, God shows how the poor and afflicted hold a special place in His heart. Repeatedly, we are commanded to not shut our ears to the crying of the poor, or God will shut His ears to our cries when we are afflicted.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Leviticus 23: 30 - Establishing the Right Priorities

"And whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day [Day of Atonement], the same soul will I destroy from among his people."

In our day and age, it sounds pretty harsh to condemn a man to death, just because he worked on the Day of Atonement. The problem is that the individual had a whole lot other days to get his jobs done, to work on the Day of Atonement demonstrates that their priorities did not include their relationship with God.

We need to make sure our priorities are straight, placing God on the very top, and not allowing anything to get in the way of our fellowship with Him. Anyone who places profiting higher than their relationship with God will be cursed!

Leviticus 23: 22 - Planned Charity

The Hebrew farmer was commanded not to glean his field too cleanly, but to leave behind gleanings for the poor.

We should always plan our charity into our income. It makes us sensitive to others and glorifies God.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Leviticus 20 - Sexual Sins (continued)

It is apparent that sexual sins are a great abomination before God, warranting death itself.

Leviticus 19:32 - Honoring the Aged

Our culture today is fast paced, and getting faster with the passing of each year. Included in this fast pace is the habit of determining personal worth in an individual's ability to succeed in the work world. The sad part is, the older you get, the greater chance you have of being displaced by younger, more energetic co-workers. When this happens, it invariably produces a growing disrespect for the older employee/ individual.

God's Word commands us to honor the "hoary head" (white or gray with age). Doing so, demonstrates a healthy fear for God.

I admit, I am old-fashioned. I believe in honoring the aged individual, showing them respect, and allocating them a greater honor. I believe if I teach my children this important lesson, they in turn will honor our seniors as well.

Remember, if we are fortunate enough, we also will have the hoary head. If we show disrespect for these citizens now, how can we expect to be treated honorably when it is our turn?

Friday, March 04, 2005

Leviticus 19:31 - Never Seek After Wizards

One of the most enjoyable set of books and movies (IMOHO) is the trilogy written by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. They are packed with moral truths, and mixed in a conglomeration of imagination and adventure. For years, I had not had a problem reading or owning these books or DVDs until I stumbled across Leviticus 19:31.

"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, NEITHER SEEK AFTER WIZARDS, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God."

Though the books contain virtuous heros and nobal causes, the very fact that they seek after a wizard should drive the committed Christian away! Instead, our courageous heros should have turned to God, and sought His aid! You're right, it might not have come across as colorful as it does in the movies, but it would have been the right thing to do.

Many might disagree with me, but all I can say is that each of us will have to give an account to God for our actions and decisions (Romans 14:12; I Peter 4:5). Let me encourage the believer who seriously wants to live holy in an unholy world what the psalmist says in Psalm 37:3-6,

Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.

Leviticus 18 - Sexual Sin

There are many spiritual laws that are so great, that the breaking of them brings consequences that pour out into the physical world. Sexual Sins is one of them.

Fornication - Having sexual acts with someone else (either inside or outside of marriage).
Adultery - The breaking of a marriage covenant by having relationships outside of marriage.
Lasciviousness - Unbridaled lust; shamelessness; outrageousness.

I've had people tell me that they have never committed a sexual sin, because they have never been married, nor have they had physical relationships with those who were. They neglect the sin of Lasciviousness. God's Word says,

And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, LASCIVIOUSNESS, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man. - Mark 7:20-23

And lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already, and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and LASCIVIOUSNESS which they have committed - II Corinthians 12:21

Including Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 4:19; and I Peter 4:3

Matthew 5:27-28 takes it even a step further:
Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

We must continually keep our hearts pure before God, and always seek to live a holy life before God.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Leviticus 14 - Leprosy

Leprosy is a very dangerous disease, brought on, many times, by an unclean lifestyle, or coming into contact with someone else who is infected. It is a chronic infectious disease which attacks the skin, peripheral nerves and mucous membranes (eyes, respiratory tract, etc). Leprosy is characterized by multiple lesions accompanied by sensory loss in the affected areas. Usually, sensory loss begins in the extremities (toes, fingertips). In many advanced cases, gangrene sets in, causing parts of the body to "die" (necrosis) and become deformed.

God commanded Israel to take the issue of leprosy very seriously. If at any time there was a suspicion of the disease, the priest was to do a careful analysis of the matter and make a judgement, using the Word of God as his criteria.

Sin is just like leprosy. Sin is developed by either living a lifestyle apart from the Word of God, and/ or being in constant contact with a person who is infected by a lifestyle of sin. Sin desensitizes you to more sin, and is easily picked up by having close contact with those who unashamedly live a sinful lifestyle. Like leprosy, sin also deforms the body, and if left untreated, can result in death.

How can a man be cured of leprosy? As of 1940, a treatment using dapsone is currently being used to supress leprosy. Seldom is leprosy completely removed from the body; it can only be halted using a multi-drug treatment. Of the approximately two million cases (and half a million more each year), only one million are being treated in this way.

In addition, patients are taught to take care of themselves using a kind of visual check if they have significant nerve damage. Without the sensations of pain to identify cuts and bruises, patients must watch themselves constantly or be subject to dangerous infection.

How can a man be cured of sin? Like leprosy, sin is not ured until the child of God, who is trusting in Jesus Christ as their savior is brought home to be wih the Lord. While on this earth, there really is no cure, only treatment. Like the leper, we need to be constantly taking medicine, which can only be found by bathing ourselves in the Holy Bible. Also, like the leper, we must continually be checking ourselves, to see if any spots of sin are popping up in our lives.

Leviticus 10 - Strange Fire

Nadab and Abihu offered up strange fire unto God. It was not what God commanded and it was not holy; and God struck them dead!

As a child of God, I live under His grace, but I must be continually careful to seek and to do God's will, and to shun offering strange fire to God. He won't accept it, and it's worthless to me.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Leviticus 5:14-15

"But Officer, I didn't know ..."

Ever hear about the guy that was stoped by a traffic cop, only to plead ignorance? Like me, I know that ignorance won't get us out of trouble from the Law. God's Laws are the same way too. Even if a person sinned ignorantly, they were still commanded to atone for their sins when it was made known unto them.

Exodus 35: 10

God uses those with wise hearts!

Exodus 35: 5-9

". . . whosoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it."

God only accepts gifts from those with willing hearts. It is a vain and empty thing to begrudgingly give to God. Brother/ Sister, if you find yourself not joyful in your giving, please stop giving. You are not gaining anything, and God is not honored.