Sunday, March 13, 2005

Numbers 12 - Speaking Against God's Anointed

Miriam and Aaron were angry against Moses because he married a woman of another race. This anger formed into bitterness and the bitterness brought out rebellion. Moses did not answer his sibling's rebellion, but instead kept silent. Instead, God Himself answered Miriam and Aaron directly.

When people rebel against you, even though you are doing God's will, it is best for us to keep silent. If there is any judgment to do, or any answer for us doing God's will, our LORD will answer in the best way, at the best time. We don't know every detail, but we can rest in the fact that God does. Don't answer those who would seek to hurt you; let God deal with them, and just keep working.

* I find it interesting that verse 1 has Miriam's name first, yet throughout the rest of the chapter Aaron's name comes first. I also find it interesting that God strikes out at Miriam and not at Aaron. I don't think God would hesitate to strike at Aaron just because of his position (look at what He did with Nadab and Abihu). I believe Miriam was leading this open rebellion, and Aaron was following along. Aaron demonstrated before that he was a follower when Israel demanded a golden idol to worship.

* Even though Miriam rebelled against Moses, he still pleaded before God for her life. We need to pray for our enemies too!

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