Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Numbers 15: 30-36 - Sinning Presumptuously

When a son of Abraham sinned presumptuously (disobeying God's Word with the impression that they can "get away" with their sin), they were to be thrown out of the camp. This is the same today for the child of God. When we willfully sin against our Lord, we are "thrown out" of His presence, and we lose fellowship with Him.

My Unbelieving Friend, you might have the impression that this is a small matter, but to the true child of God, there is nothing worse! You see, since Jesus is the Prince of Peace, we have no peace apart from Him. Since Jesus is the Lord of Life, we have the odor of death about us. Since our blessed God is our Great Comforter, there is no rest apart from Him! Yes, we don't lose our salvation, but we do lose our sweet fellowship with our dear Lord.

My friend, have you found yourself walking in darkness? Are you seeking for peace, yet have none? Are you looking for comfort in this evil world and have found none? Turn to Jesus! Cry out to Him, and plead for mercy! He will not ignore your pleads.

Lord, hear the cries of the lost! Turn their hearts to You, and show them how You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. - Amen

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