Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Leviticus 26: 40-46 - The Mercy of God

If you have felt the hand of God's judgment in your life, you know how heavy it can be to the sinner's heart! You have no joy in your life, you have no peace to your rest. All you have is a surety of coming judgment for the transgressions in your life!

O sinner, take heart; the judge that sits before your condemnation is also a merciful judge! No one needs to show you how much of a sinner you are. No one needs to convince you of your guilt. The evidence is clear. The witnesses have testified, and all knows how shamefully guilty you are. Throw yourself at the mercy seat of God! Cry out to Jesus and plead for Him to forgive you! Our blessed Lord and Savior promises to never cast away those who come to Him (John 6:37)!

God's mercy is sure, because though you are a sinner, and GOD HATES SIN, He also most dearly loves you! God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten son, to die for you and to pay for your sins (John 3:16).

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